Two Universes, One Soul Divided...
Alienne Mine, a Prequel to Dragon Dawn, is now available on Amazon!
Far from her home world, an alien female clandestinely observes the Earth, but her intense need for a mate overwhelms her desire for secrecy. It is time to pick her Chosen, the one who will share her life. With her keen ultraviolet vision, she’s watched the human astronaut, Edward McAdams, a man with a unique and compelling aura. Is he the one? If so, will he agree to leave Earth and travel with her to the stars? But her plans are threatened when she discovers dangers lurking in the vast reaches of the Milky Way galaxy, menacing aliens who may not only imperil Edward, but everyone else on Earth.
Dragon Dawn, Book One of the Dinosaurian Time Travel Series, is an Amazon Bestseller. # 1 for Time Travel Science Fiction and #1 for Alternate History.
Time snakes between alternate universes.Ever watchful, an alien intelligence survives on Mars, waiting to be found by spacefarers from Earth. The alien’s ultimate goal is to send human astronauts back in time, where they will alter the past and thwart the extinction of the din osaurs. A race of intelligent dinosaurs, resembling the alien’s extinct species, subsequently evolves to rule the world. But a human female astronaut, through a strange twist of fate, survives the change in the space-time continuum. After finding herself in a dinosaurian body, she must race against time – and the formidable alien – to restore the universe to its rightful course. Book One of the Dinosaurian Time Travel Series.
Dragon Dawn takes the intriguing plot device of time travel and uses cutting edge science to produce a new spin on the evolution of intelligence. The subject matter blends fields of study the author, Deborah O’Neill Cordes, loves in equal measure; she holds a bachelor’s degree in zoology and a master’s degree in history. She offers her readers a window into exotic worlds: lushly beautiful, often terrifying – and wholly compelling.